Planning a Successful Deployment with Proxxi Voltage

Your organization has completed their trial and has ordered additional wristbands for deployment, so now what?

To help you prepare for deployment, our Success Team has outlined the steps involved in a successful rollout of Proxxi Voltage.

Jump to a section:

Before Delivery

Once the Wristbands Arrive

After Onboarding and Beyond

Before Delivery

Begin Planning Deployment

Our Success Team are experts when it comes to planning for deployment. Opting to work with our team will help you ensure that each box is ticked and that your investment in deploying Proxxi Voltage will be supported by people who have helped many other organizations roll out safety technology successfully. 

Determine Who is Receiving Wristbands

Deciding which teams will receive the wristbands will determine where the wristbands will be shipped to and who needs to be informed of the deployment. Your organization may choose to deploy all regions at the same time, or do a rolling deployment, with one group receiving the wristbands before another. 

Talk to Your Team & Set Expectations

Who needs to know that your organization is rolling out Proxxi Voltage? Anyone who will be expected to help with deployment, will be interacting with the Wristband or the Dashboard, and those who manage those using the wristbands should be informed that our organization is rolling out the wristbands. 

These people will need to know what is expected of them, and what benefit the wristbands are going to provide to themselves or the organization.

This list can help you start identifying those in your business who will need to know:

  • EHS Professionals

  • Electrical Workers

  • Managers

  • HR or Legal Teams

Set Up Your Dashboard

From the Proxxi Voltage Dashboard your managers, EHS team, and other stakeholders will be able to review usage statistics and incident reports for the Voltage Wristbands. With its tiered setup, data on the Dashboard can be sorted by region, team, or job, with up to 5 tiers of drill-down capability. Data insights to take proactive steps to reduce injuries and fatalities, and reports provide insights in order to improve safety procedures and training.

Delivery of Wristbands

Once the Wristbands Arrive

Distribute Wristbands

One of the most important tasks in deploying the wristbands is assigning and distributing the wristbands to the wearers. Getting the wristbands to your wearers may involve mailing them, arranging for pickup times, or asking managers to distribute them. 

Ensure Your Team is Onboarded

Your teams are electrical experts, and they know their jobs better than anyone else. However, Proxxi Voltage is a new tool, and ensuring that they know how to use it - as well as when and where - will help them feel confident in the technology.

Proxxi offers online materials, live onboarding sessions, and in-person deployment, so your organization can choose the option that best fits their needs. 

Training Your Team

After Onboarding and Beyond

Employee Engagement

The success of Proxxi Voltage is dependent on your teams using and engaging with the wristbands. Some of the barriers to compliance with wearables in the workplace include:

  • Perceived cost/benefit of the devices

  • Concerns about data privacy or confidentiality

  • Employee compliance with using the wristbands

  • Durability of the wearable technology

For more information on handling these concerns, see our blog post on encouraging employee engagement.

Knowing Where You Can Go for Support

Last but not least, we are here to help you with your Proxxi Contact trial and deployment. We have our online materials available, including FAQs and deployment guides.


Proxxi’s February Newsletter


Encouraging Employee Engagement with Proxxi Voltage