Proxxi’s April Newsletter


As promised in last month's newsletter, we are bringing you our first eBook! And, with World Day for Safety and Health Day this month, we are taking this opportunity to revisit some of our most popular blog posts about workplace safety.

New eBook: The Impact of an Electrical Incident

How is your organization impacted when an electrical incident occurs?

Electrical safety is a low probability, high impact subsection of workplace safety. This means that although electricity-related events may be relatively unlikely to occur, they are of great importance when they do, and the consequences can be deadly. 

Download our eBook to learn more

Revisit our Top Health & Safety Blog Posts

Workplace Accidents: Situational or Systemic?

EHS teams aim to improve safety outcomes and decrease the likelihood of workplace accidents. However, the absence of an accident does not always indicate an absence of risk. When you combine both near misses and accidents, similarities can be found, and more systemic causes can be identified.

Protecting Non-Qualified Workers from Electrical Risks

From 2011 to 2019, 68% of all electrical fatalities occurred in non-electrical occupations. Given that the overwhelming majority of electrical fatalities occurred in non-electrical occupations, your organization’s H&S plan needs to cover electrical safety for non-qualified workers as well.

The Risk of Perceived Risk

All jobs involve hazards and risks. In acknowledging the presence of risk, we establish the need for safety. This is why safety plans are required for all organizations and roles. One big question, however, is how does our perception of risk influence safety and the effectiveness of safety procedures? 

News and Updates

Proxxi in Europe

We have a number of trials in the EU and expect to be shipping deployments in late April. We are excited to help protect even more workers across the globe.

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Proxxi’s May Newsletter


Proxxi’s March Newsletter