Industry Insights

Enhancing Safety for Telecommunications Workers: A Case Study
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Enhancing Safety for Telecommunications Workers: A Case Study

In the world of telecommunications, the safety of field workers is paramount, especially when dealing with overhead power lines and potentially hazardous electrical sources. Proxxi Voltage, a cutting-edge safety technology, has been instrumental in protecting telecommunications (telco) workers by providing real-time alerts and insights into electrical hazards.

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Proxxi’s August Newsletter

Proxxi’s August Newsletter

This month we’re bringing you content that fits into your day, whether that's the time to dig into our newest case study, or a quick moment to flip through our 4-slide infographics.

So whether you’re holding down the fort in the office, taking time off with family, or celebrating National Golf Month on the green, you’ll find something that works for you.

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Protecting Workers with Proxxi Voltage: A Case Study with FieldCore
Case Study, Proxxi Voltage Proxxi Case Study, Proxxi Voltage Proxxi

Protecting Workers with Proxxi Voltage: A Case Study with FieldCore

FieldCore wanted to create a safer working environment for their field technicians, to help them better identify potential hazards and their associated risks, and to provide additional safety for newer technicians.

Through trialling Proxxi Voltage, they found the solution to their problem, and have made the decision to implement Voltage to better protect their workers.

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Proxxi’s April Newsletter
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Proxxi’s April Newsletter

As promised in last month's newsletter, we are bringing you our first eBook! And, with World Day for Safety and Health Day this month, we are taking this opportunity to revisit some of our most popular blog posts about workplace safety.

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Proxxi’s March Newsletter
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Proxxi’s March Newsletter

March 8th marks International Women’s Day! Proxxi is proud to have some truly amazing women on our team - many of whom you may have interacted with - either personally, or with their work.

Thank you to all of the amazing women out there!

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Electrical Danger - Shock vs Arc Flash
Proxxi Voltage Proxxi Proxxi Voltage Proxxi

Electrical Danger - Shock vs Arc Flash

In the safety industry, we all know that electrical risks are an ever-present element of an electrical worker’s daily activities. In recent years, the regulations and safety technology have focused on addressing the dangers of arc flashes.

Both arch flashes and shock can cause injury, or even death. However, when you look at the data, electric shock poses a much more statistically significant risk. So why do we hear about arc flash so much more frequently?

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Workplace Injuries and Fatalities: Statistics for Demographics, Timing, and Industries

Workplace Injuries and Fatalities: Statistics for Demographics, Timing, and Industries

Workplace injuries are something that we all strive to eliminate. Over the years, as regulations have been put in place, technological improvements have been made, and attitudes have changed, there have been vast improvements in workplace safety. However, as injuries and fatalities continue to occur, we can review the when, where, and who to help us better prevent these incidents.

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Workplace Accidents: Situational or Systemic?

Workplace Accidents: Situational or Systemic?

In the workplace, EHS teams aim to improve safety outcomes and decrease the likelihood of workplace accidents. In some organizations, these efforts focus on the individual, citing the specific situation as the cause of an incident. However, although accidents are relatively rare, near misses are much less so. The absence of an accident does not always indicate an absence of risk. When you combine both near misses and accidents, similarities can be found, and more systemic causes can be identified.

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