Supporting Employee Engagement with Proxxi Contact

When organizations begin the process of rolling out Proxxi Contact, a question we often get asked is “how can I ensure my people will use the wristbands?” This question is an incredibly important one, as the success of rolling out any other new process or technology is greatly dependent upon user engagement and cooperation. 

To help you ensure that your team not only understands, but also engages with the product, we have written this guide on how to create the best environment for introducing Proxxi Contact to your organization.

Tell your team what Proxxi Contact is and why your organization is using it

The first step in compliance with a new process is being aware of the new process. Taking the time to let your teams know that you are rolling out something and why you are doing so will lay the groundwork for a successful implementation.

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Most organizations have decided to opt for an automated contact tracing solution to help keep employees safe, to protect the business, and to ensure protocols are being followed. Letting people know the “why” behind a decision helps them understand the importance of it. 

For example, one of our customers, Nice|Hysecurity, had great success with employee engagement by introducing Proxxi during one of their regular Town Hall meetings. They explained that instead of it taking 3 days to perform Contact Tracing, now team members can be informed almost immediately of how often and for how long they were in contact with an infected co-worker. 

Be transparent about what data Proxxi Contact is recording

When discussing the rollout of Proxxi Contact, a lot of managers bring up the fact that their employees are likely to be concerned about being tracked and monitored via the wristbands. This is a very understandable concern, and one that should be addressed appropriately. 

Proxxi Contact is a wearable contact tracing device, not a tracking device. The wristband records the interactions between wristbands, including date, time, and duration. It does not capture location, and does not contain a GPS unit.

Additionally, the Proxxi Contact Wristband itself does not record or share any personally identifiable information about the wearers or their organization. This also means that if the bands are ever misplaced, there is no personal identifiable information at risk. 

During wristband assignment you have the option to use different types of identifiers for your wearers. This allows you to choose what employee information is used within the Proxxi System. Any data provided to Proxxi is only visible from the Proxxi Contact Dashboard, which can only be accessed by your Dashboard Managers using their login credentials. No information about wearers, their contacts, or your organization can be accessed via the mobile app or wristband. 

workplace safety plan

Finally, there is no health information of any kind recorded or stored by the wristband or within Proxxi Contact’s system. The wristband does not record any data that could be used as a health indicator, such as steps, heart rate, or body temperature. 

More information about data and security can be found here.

Ensure the employees know how to use Proxxi Contact, and make charging and syncing easy

If employees are unaware of how to use their wristbands, they are much less likely to engage with them, or ensure they are being used correctly. We have lots of online materials that can be provided to your team to ensure they are comfortable with Proxxi Contact.

Making the process and charging and syncing wristbands easy is also an important part of improving compliance. For charging, you can opt to have the employees charge their wristbands at home or on-site. With either option, it is important to ensure your team has charging ports available, and provide them with some if required. Data syncing can be an individual or group activity as well. In this article we review the different ways you can build a rhythm for data syncing into your organisation.

Identify a champion from among your employees

Having a colleague encourage people to use a new system is very different from having a manager tell them to. Identifying people in your organization who would be good champions for Proxxi Contact can help drive a more favourable rollout. Champions are likely to have a good rapport with their colleagues, meaning that employees are more likely to speak with them if they have questions or concerns. Additionally, they may be able to help you identify potential sticking points or areas of concern as you deploy the wristbands. 

Have the answers to some of the most common questions and concerns

One final way you can help your team feel more comfortable using the product is by becoming a subject matter expert for Proxxi Contact. To be an expert, you don’t need to know the answers to their questions right away; instead know how to find them. We have created our Proxxi Contact Guide as an online space that reviews FAQs, helps with troubleshooting, and provides onboarding information.

We also recommend ensuring you have completed an onboarding meeting with our Success Team prior to deploying the wristbands. If you need to set up a meeting, please contact us.


The Time and Cost of Deploying Proxxi Contact


Creating a Safe Workplace